Portraits on FujiFilm Pro 400H
As I continue to transition to film only, I'm experimenting with off camera flash using different types of film. This round I used Fuji Pro 400H and a three light set up (two speed lights in the background and one Paul C. Buff Einstein 640 with 64" PLM diffuser as the key). I'm amped on the results and further trust the power of film after this impromptu shoot with Samuel Johnson. I originally captured this for an ad featuring the Chrome Industries Storm Cobra 2.0 jacket found at Unclaimed Baggage Center in Scottsboro, AL and the thought hit me, "I've already got the lighting set and the settings down, what would life be like if I nabbed this same set up with my Voigtlander Bessa R2A / Zeiss 50mm f/2?"
These are the results. Believe in film. Don't compromise.