Breaking Out of Quarantine with the Olympus XA

Amen for Having Fun

Olympus XA with A11 Flash / expired Kodak Max 400

Olympus XA with A11 Flash / expired Kodak Max 400

Amen and thank you for great cameras like the Olympus XA. I’ve seen these every since I’ve known photography but never wanted to pounce on one until yesterday. Local shop (Southerland’s Photo) had one that was immaculate and I jumped on it immediately. Pal and fellow photographer Jacob Tillman runs the gram for Southerland’s. As soon as I saw this up for sale it was an immediate purchase. Come to find out, the camera actually belonged to the shops BW film developer, Jim, who I’ve had the pleasure chatting with quite a bit over the years.

I don’t know about you, but I needed this fun little aperture priority rangefinder to get me out of this Covid-19 quarantine funk. As soon as I got home I used some expired Kodak Max 400 my pal Kyle Steed mailed me in a care package months ago. I’m absolutely in love and have the Olympus XA currently loaded up with Kodak Portra 160 (also from Kyle, much love my brotha) and will shoot through that in no time.

I hope all of you are doing well and keeping the insanity at bay. I encourage you to pick up a fun camera, grab a few friends and go see what you can see.

Here are the results from my test roll. I hope you enjoy.

Matt Pittman / Olympus XA / Kodak Max / Expired Film / Huntsville, Alabama