Portraits on Kodak TMax 400
It's a done deal y'all. I've committed to shooting 100% on film for personal projects. But not just any film, Kodak TMax to be specific. I love everything about this film and SUPER pumped to have Kodak's re-released TMax P3200 on my side. I now have every ISO range needed to capture it in black and white AND develop and scan myself. Nothing has satisfied me creatively as much as owning this process from start to finish. To note, I shoot all street and portraits on my Voigtlander Bessa R2A. It's definitely a great tool for the job with the Zeiss ZM 35mm and 50mm lenses. With that said, I'm currently shopping around for a medium formate camera that I can really leverage for my film portraits.
Some of these shots were captured with the Paul C. Buff Einsteins and white beauty dish. It's really a match made in heaven. I hope you enjoy.