Portraits with Tiffen Black Pro Mist Filter

Tiffen Black Pro Mist… get one.


I’ve recently been working video projects, which is very foreign to me, but an exciting challenge at the same time. In that pursuit I’ve run across Tiffen Black Pro Mist filter’s. They’re absolutely dreamy to work with for both motion pictures and stills.

Tiffen Black Pro Mist filter is no new tool for the videography community but it might be for the photography community, it was for me. I personally like the Black Pro Mist 1 vs. the 1/4 or 1/2. I like the feel it gives and coming from primarily film photography it’s a nice change of pace from the digital photo experiences I’ve had in the past. One thing I’ll have to change in camera for next round is my contrast levels. Many digital shooters put way too much contrast and saturation on their photographs for my liking. Maybe you feel the same or maybe you’ve never desaturated or lowered your contrast, if not I recommend that you give it a try.

This is a photoset with model Lauren Cantrell using a Canon 5D Mark IV / 50mm 1.2 / Tiffen Black Pro Mist 1.


Matt Pittman / Portrait Photography / Huntsville, Alabama