Alabama The Beautiful: Fort Morgan, Alabama

Eyes Open. Camera Ready.

I tend to stick to the northern part of Alabama due to my location in Huntsville but this Labor Day weekend me and the family head south to Fort Morgan, Alabama for a little beach get away, and that it was.

I don’t think I’ve ever spent time on Alabama’s beaches. I’d heard of Mobile and Orange beach but Fort Morgan was always left off of my radar. Most of the time we’d head to Seaside, Florida to enjoy some surf and sun. Not this round.

Little did I know that Fort Morgan had an amazing state historical museum preserving the fort and telling its stories as far back as 1834. Being at the beach also gave me the inspiration to bring out my Tiffen Red #25 filter to better capture the clouds on Ilford HP5.

This trip I was looking for something more unique than sunsets and waves. Fort Morgan offered the uniqueness I was looking for as well as it’s close neighbor Orange Beach, Alabama. I used Fort Morgan’s scene for more historical type frames while Orange Beach presented more of a street type feel that I enjoyed exploring. I did not have enough time to truly dive into the depths of what either location had to offer but I did get away with a few frames I’m really into. I hope you are as well.

Fort Morgan, Alabama

Orange Beach, Alabama

Matt Pittman / Fort Morgan, Alabama / Orange Beach, Alabama / Tiffen Filter Red #25 / Ilford HP5 / Leica M7